SmartFormInspector - Select Level :
Form Name : DesignationItemPlanning.FormView Name : All
- DesignationItemPlanning.Form (Form)
- When the Form is Initializing
- then complete the following concurrently
- and on DesignationItemPlan.View View, execute the Initialize method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- pProvStepItemId = pProvStepItemId
- and on ItemPlanHeader.View View, execute the Initialize method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- pProvStepItemId = pProvStepItemId
- When Cancel Button is Clicked
- then close a subview or subform
- When Save Button is Clicked
- then complete the following one after another
- then execute the Save Data rule
- then execute the Save Data rule
- then close a subview or subform
- DesignationItemPlanning.Form (Unbound)
- Conditional CreateProvStepItemPlan
- if on DesignationItemPlanning.Form Form, ProvStepItemPlanId DL control does not contain a value
- then on CreateProvStepItemPlanSmo SmartObject, execute its Execute method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ProvStepItemPlanId = scnull
- pProvStepItemId = pProvStepItemId
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ProvStepItemPlanId DL = ProvStepItemPlanId
- Result Data Label = Result
- element of Control = Sources
- if on DesignationItemPlanning.Form Form, Result Data Label control contains Failure
- then show a message to the user
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- Heading = Cannot create item plan record
- Body = Unable to create ProvStepItemPlan record. Please contact the application administrator.
- else
- then on ProvStepItemSmo SmartObject, execute its Update method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ProvStepItemPlanId_FK = ProvStepItemPlanId DL
- DesignationItemPlan.View (Unbound)
- load Data - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- if on View DesignationItemPlan.View, view parameter pProvStepItemId has been specified
- then on ProvStepItemSmo SmartObject, execute its Read method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ProvStepItemPlanId DL = ProvStepItemPlanId_FK
- ProvStepId = ProvStepId_FK
- else
- then complete the following one after another
- then show a message to the user
- if on DesignationItemPlan.View View, ProvStepId control contains a value
- then on ProvStepSmo SmartObject, execute its Read method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- CategoryType DL = CategoryType
- if on DesignationItemPlan.View View, ProvStepItemPlanId DL control does not contain a value
- then on CreateProvStepItemPlanSmo SmartObject, execute its Execute method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ProvStepItemPlanId = scnull
- pProvStepItemId = pProvStepItemId
- pUserId = CurrentUserName
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ProvStepItemPlanId DL = ProvStepItemPlanId
- if on DesignationItemPlan.View View, Result DL control contains Failure
- then complete the following one after another
- then show a message to the user
- if on DesignationItemPlan.View View, ProvStepItemPlanId DL control contains a value
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, execute the Read method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ID = ProvStepItemPlanId DL
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- AcquireToSpCB = AcquireToStockpointCB
- TransferJob2JobCB = TransferJobtoJobCB
- TransferSp2JobCB = TransferStockpointToJobCB
- TransferToJob Data Label = TransferToJob
- TransferToJob Data Label1 = TransferToJob
- RerouteStockpoint DDL = RerouteStockpoint
- AcquireQtyToSP TB = AquireQtyToStockPoint
- StockpointForAquired Data Label = StockpointForAquired
- AcquireQtyToJob TB = AquireQtyToJob
- JobForAcquire Data Label = JobForAcquire
- RerouteQtyToSP TB = RerouteQtyToStockPoint
- TransferQtyJobToJob TB = TransferQtyJobToJob
- TransferFromJob AutoComplete = TransferFromJob
- TransferQtySPToJob TB = TransferQtyStockPointToJob
- TransferFromStockPoint Drop-Down List = TransferFromStockPoint
- AcquireToJobCB = AcquireToJobCB
- StockpointSourceforRe-Route DL = StockpointForAquired
- then execute the Populate AcquisitionRole rule
- Cond Enable Trans J2J CB - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- if an advanced condition is true [TransferQtyJobToJob TB > 0 And Is Not Blank( TransferFromJob AutoComplete ) ]
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, enable TransferJob2JobCB control
- else
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable TransferJob2JobCB control
- Cond Enable Trans S2Job CB - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- if an advanced condition is true [TransferQtySPToJob TB > 0 And Is Not Blank( TransferFromStockPoint Drop-Down List ) ]
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, enable TransferSp2JobCB control
- else
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable TransferSp2JobCB control
- Cond Enable Reroute CB - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- if an advanced condition is true [RerouteQtyToSP TB > 0 And Is Not Blank( RerouteStockpoint DDL ) ]
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, enable RerouteCB control
- else
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable RerouteCB control
- Cond Enable A2J CB - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- if an advanced condition is true [AcquireQtyToJob TB > 0 ]
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, enable AcquireToJobCB control
- else
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable AcquireToJobCB control
- Cond Enable A2S CB - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- if an advanced condition is true [AcquireQtyToSP TB > 0 ]
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, enable AcquireToSpCB control
- else
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable AcquireToSpCB control
- Disable CheckBox Controls - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- then complete the following concurrently
- and on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable AcquireToSpCB control
- and on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable AcquireToJobCB control
- and on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable RerouteCB control
- and on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable TransferJob2JobCB control
- and on DesignationItemPlan.View View, disable TransferSp2JobCB control
- Save Data - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, execute the Update method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ID = ProvStepItemPlanId DL
- AcquireToStockpointCB = AcquireToSpCB
- AquireQtyToStockPoint = ProvQtyAcquireToSP DL
- StockpointForAquired = StockpointForAquired Data Label
- AcquireToJobCB = AcquireToJobCB
- AquireQtyToJob = ProvQtyAcquireToJob DL
- JobForAcquire = JobForAcquire Data Label
- RerouteQtyToStockPoint = ProvQtyRerouteToSP DL
- RerouteStockpoint = RerouteStockpoint DDL
- TransferJobtoJobCB = TransferJob2JobCB
- TransferQtyJobToJob = ProvQtyTransferJobToJob DL
- TransferFromJob = TransferFromJob AutoComplete
- TransferToJob = TransferToJob Data Label
- TransferStockpointToJobCB = TransferSp2JobCB
- TransferQtyStockPointToJob = ProvQtyTransferSPToJob DL
- TransferFromStockPoint = TransferFromStockPoint Drop-Down List
- CreatedBy = CurrentUserName
- UpdatedBy = CurrentUserName
- if an advanced condition is true [RerouteCB = True And Is Not Blank( RerouteStockpoint DDL ) ]
- then on ProvStepItemSmo SmartObject, execute its Update method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ItemStockpoint = RerouteStockpoint DDL
- if an advanced condition is true [QtyPlanned DL >= QtyNeeded DL ]
- then on ProvStepItemSmo SmartObject, execute its Update method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- else
- then on ProvStepItemSmo SmartObject, execute its Update method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- Populate AcquisitionRole - (DesignationItemPlan.View)
- then on ProvStepDestinationSmo SmartObject, execute its List method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- Stockpoint = StockpointForAquired Data Label
- CategoryType = CategoryType DL
- Filter = [ Contains Acquisition]
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- AcquisitionRole DL = Role
- DesignationItemPlan.View (View)
- When DesignationItemPlan.View executed Initialize
- then complete the following one after another
- then execute the Disable CheckBox Controls rule
- then execute the load Data rule
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, load RerouteStockpoint DDL list control cache with data
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, load TransferFromStockPoint Drop-Down List list control cache with data
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, populate TransferFromStockPoint Drop-Down List list control with cached data
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, populate RerouteStockpoint DDL list control with cached data
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, populate TransferFromJob AutoComplete with data
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when QtyPlanned DL is Changed
- if an advanced condition is true [QtyPlanned DL > QtyNeeded DL ]
- then complete the following one after another
- then transfer data
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- Message Data Label = Qty Planned is greater than Qty Needed
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, show Message Data Label control
- else
- then complete the following one after another
- then transfer data
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- then on DesignationItemPlan.View View, hide Message Data Label control
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when AcquireQtyToSP TB is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable A2S CB rule
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when AcquireQtyToJob TB is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable A2J CB rule
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when RerouteQtyToSP TB is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable Reroute CB rule
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when TransferQtyJobToJob TB is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable Trans J2J CB rule
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when TransferQtySPToJob TB is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable Trans S2Job CB rule
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when TransferFromJob AutoComplete is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable Trans J2J CB rule
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when TransferFromStockPoint Drop-Down List is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable Trans S2Job CB rule
- On DesignationItemPlan.View, when RerouteStockpoint DDL is Changed
- then execute the Cond Enable Reroute CB rule
- ItemPlanHeader.View (Unbound)
- Load Data - (ItemPlanHeader.View)
- if on View ItemPlanHeader.View, view parameter pProvStepItemId has been specified
- then on ItemPlanHeaderFieldsListSmo SmartObject, execute its List method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- pProvStepItemId = pProvStepItemId
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- ProvStepId DL = ProvStepId
- RequestItemId DL = RequestItemId
- Consumable Check Box = Consumable
- ItemDescription DL = ItemDescription
- SpecialInstructions Text Area = SpecialInstructions
- DurationNeeded DL = DurationNeeded
- ForemanRequesting DL = ForemanRequestedBy
- ProvStepItemPlanId DL = ProvStepItemPlanId
- CategoryType DL = CategoryType
- Save Data - (ItemPlanHeader.View)
- if on ItemPlanHeader.View View, RequestItemId DL control contains a value
- then on RequestItemSmo SmartObject, execute its Update method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- SpecialInstructions = SpecialInstructions Text Area
- Consumable = Consumable Check Box
- Disable Controls - (ItemPlanHeader.View)
- then complete the following concurrently
- and on ItemPlanHeader.View View, disable SpecialInstructions Text Area control
- and on ItemPlanHeader.View View, disable PhaseCode TB control
- and on ItemPlanHeader.View View, disable Consumable Check Box control
- Enable Controls - (ItemPlanHeader.View)
- then complete the following concurrently
- and on ItemPlanHeader.View View, enable SpecialInstructions Text Area control
- and on ItemPlanHeader.View View, enable PhaseCode TB control
- and on ItemPlanHeader.View View, enable Consumable Check Box control
- ItemPlanHeader.View (View)
- When ItemPlanHeader.View executed Initialize
- then complete the following one after another
- then execute the Disable Controls rule
- then execute the Load Data rule
- When ItemPlanHeader.View executed Initialized
- if on ItemPlanHeader.View View, Category DL control contains a value
- then execute the Enable Controls rule
- On ItemPlanHeader.View, when Consumable Check Box is Changed
- if on ItemPlanHeader.View View, Category DL control contains a value
- then on PhaseCodeForConsumableSmo SmartObject, execute its Execute method
- Input Mappings - (Action Definition)
- pConsumable = Consumable Check Box
- Output Mappings - (Action Definition)
- PhaseCode TB = pPhaseCode
- Rule Name
- Condition
- Control Name
- Parameters
- ViewName
- SmartObjectName
- SmartObjectProperty
- Method
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