Works with DocuSign or Adobe Sign

SmartK2 eSign works with DocuSign or Adobe Sign. In addition to standard eSignature functionality, SmartK2 eSign allows a signing document to take the place of a workflow task form. While signing, signers also can select a workflow action such as approve, deny, or rework, and optionally enter comments. Subsequent workflow routing is determined by the action selected. Comments entered on the signing form show in the workflow task action history for easy reference and reporting. SmartSign also allows sending attachments to the signer in the same email as the document to be signed. SmartSign includes a convenient Signing Admin Dashboard which shows the status of all signing documents and allows an admin to easily intervene in the signing process when needed.

Functionality includes:

Publish-Subscribe Service Eliminates Workflow Looping

Primitive DocuSign implementations put the workflow into a looping pattern that continually checks to see if a document sent for signing has been returned. For a K2 application with many users and a large volume of signing Traffic, the looping pattern is found to slow down the K2 server, affecting the performance of other K2 applications. To prevent this issue, SmartK2 eSign uses a stateful publish-subscribe service that allows DocuSign or Adobe Sign to notify K2 when signing is complete, thus eliminating the need to loop.

Return Signer Comments

Some K2-DocuSign use cases require that comments or other data entered into the signing document by the signer be returned to the workflow process. The SmartK2 eSign Connector provides this ability.

Attach supporting documents to the Document signing email

Some eSignature use cases require attaching one or more supporting documents to the Document signing email. The SmartK2 eSign Connector  provides this ability.

Action a workflow task through document signing alone

Some use cases require that the same user take action on an approval task and sign a document. The SmartK2 eSign Connector  allows creating a workflow task (client event) that uses the signing document as a means for the signing user to select a workflow action while signing the document. Data entered into the signing document also can be returned to the workflow. This eliminates the need to for a user to both approve a task and sign a related document.


SmartK2 eSign for DocuSign